Saturday 10 August 2013

9th Aug Butterfly Bay to Gloucester Island 34nm

The wind came at 6am and blew hard. The yacht was wrenching on the anchor and that made it unpleasant to stay in bed. Peter got up and made the traditional English breakfast tea and we sat in the cockpit thanking our intuition of not staying at Hook Reef. The reef will be there for another day to explore.
After breakfast we lifted the anchor and set sail for Gloucester Passage. It was not the most pleasant sail. Blowing 25 knots and wind against the tide it was the short chop that often put big waves over the deck that flooded the cockpit.

Spectacular scenery around the islands. This is eastern side of Hayman Island. 
We only had the jib up but made good progress and once in the passage the wind eased and the tide turned and it was flat water and pleasant conditions. We sailed past Passage Islet that is better known as “Shag Islet” and the birth place of the Shag Islet Cruising Yacht Club”

 "Shag Islet" in Gloucester Passage
We anchored on the northwest side of Gloucester Island in Bona Bay. The bay was alive with bait fish and mackerel and other species were having a feast of gigantic proportions. After dinner I put the lights on that shone in the water. The garfish were attracted to the light and swam up to the back of the yacht. I got the fish landing net and scooped up about 30 in an hour. They were a bit small for eating but they make great bait for when we are up at the Palm Island Group. I hope I will be able to convert them into some good eating fish.
It was a peaceful anchorage.

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