Sunday 4 June 2017

29th May Kingfisher Resort to Rooney Point 37nm

Had another great nights sleep anchored off Kingfisher Bay however with weather like this we had to keep moving and go places we have not been before. Decided to skip going into Urangun at Hervey Bay and head out to Rooney Point. Never been there but have been told in whale season it a wonderful place to be. It is the birthing ground for whales and there is a lot of whale activity! Breaching and whale song. However I think we will be just to early for the whales.

After a lazy breakfast in the sun we motored out through the eastern passage of the Hervey Bay entrance of the Sandy Straits. It was a good high tide so no problems going over the shallow parts. Motored past Coongut Point and along the North West beaches of Fraser Island.

Anchored for the night and set the crab traps and enjoyed a magnificent sunset over Rooney Point. Fish and marine life every where.

Billabong Anchored in the Sandy Straits

Coongut Point
Spotted Mackerel for Dinner

Calm and a wonderful sunset at Rooney point

Made for a peaceful sleep
The sea was full of marine activity including this sea snake

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