Wednesday 21 June 2017

19th June Thomas to Whitehaven 15nm to Mays Bay 17nm

Left Thomas Island shortly after first light and a cup of tea. Unfortunately the dreaded swell came into the bay and we had a bit of a rollie night after about 2am.
We headed for Whitehaven beach and sailed all the way into Solway Passage before dropping anchor at Whitehaven beach. Very few boats were anchored and I have to say it was the quietest I have seen this bay.
Immediately I could see the damage caused by cyclone Debbie. A lot of the brilliant white sand had been eroded and many of the trees at the beach line had been uprooted and were dead.
We launched the dinghy and went for a walk. I decided to take the 7.6km trek to Chance Bay and see what damage the cyclone had caused. It was very evident with large trees felled by the strong wind.
Chance Bay has also been heavily eroded.
Whitehaven Beach from the lookout.
In search of food. Two fat lizards.
Even though it has been damaged it is still a great beach.

After a swim and lunch we weighed anchor and headed for a calm anchorage at May's Bay in Hooks Passage. Had drinks with another yacht we met along the way Tom Boy. We had seen them at a lot of anchorages and only met them at Roslyn Bay. David and Niki are travelling the East Coast and home schooling Rex and Jess on the way.

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