Wednesday 28 June 2017

28th June Cape Upstart to Magnetic Island 68nm

4am the alarm went off for an early start. After a night where the wind funnelled down the valley from the mountain and we were getting gusts up to 30 knots I did not get the greatest sleep. We were told later we parked in the second anchorage in Lucas's recommendation which was the windiest bay. It calmed down a after midnight and was in a deep sleep when the alarm went off.
We had to go early to get the last of the ebbing tide north and we wanted to get into Magnetic Island by 3pm so we can get settled in and showered and get to shore for a drink.

It is a long leg with not much to see on the way. Only Cape Bowling Green Light House. Cape Bowling Green is flat and boring hence why Cook named it Bowling Green.

Cape Bowling Green Light House

The wind was too light so out came the Asymmetrical Spinnaker and it certainly made a difference. We were able to sail almost all the way to Magnetic Island
Sailing under Spinnaker with Tom Boy our Cruising buddies

Photo Courtesy of Tom Boy

David, Nikki, Rex and Jess
Last fish for this passage. This one for Jess.

We arrived at Horseshoe Bay at Magnetic Island and cleaned the last fish caught for this trip. Jess asked me on the beach if I caught a fish with no bones she would like it. So I gave it to Tom Boy for their freezer after taking all the bones out. I have enough fish to last me the next 7 days while I stay in Townsville prior to my flight back to Port Stephens on 6th July so I was very happy that I could give them some fish.
I will be taking Billabong to Townsville Marina tomorrow where I will do some maintenance and cleaning where I will leave her for a month. Tamara and I will return on 1st Aug to recommence the remainder of the Coral Coast 2017 cruise to Dunk Island.

Thankyou to Peter who has crewed since Sydney. With out his assistance I would not have had such a smooth trip. We had a very easy sail with only 3 days of rain and it has been mostly pleasant sailing conditions of 15-20 knots. A bit of motoring in the light stuff. But that's sailing.

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