Tuesday 13 June 2017

12th June   Hexham Island to Middle Percy Island to Digby Island   48nm  

Woke at 6am to get a weather forecast that is broadcast on VHF channel 83 at 6.30am by Thristy Sound Coast Guard. Nothing much to worry about. Just nice winds around 15-20 knots for the next few days.

Weighed anchor at 7.30am and sailed to Middle Percy Island where the famous A Frame hut is on West Beach. It is a traditional stop off for boaties travelling North and South. The A frame houses all sorts of memorabilia that boaties have dropped off over the many years. Some dating back to the 1950’s. We dropped a wooden plaque there in 2011 and updated it in 2013 and again now in 2017.

Was good to see our plaque still in one piece. Also the one for Splash who travelled in company with us in 2011.

Bought 2 litres of Percy Island Honey for $40. Cannot get purer honey than that. Fantastic taste.

There were some itinerant workers on the Island restoring the tree house. In time they plan to rent the tree house out to travellers. Would be a great place to stay awhile.

The anchorage was to rocky and rollie for us to stay there so sailed off after lunch to Digby Island. This is also a very picturesque stop over but can be prone to swell. The wind died away as we approached and we had a brilliant sun set with beer and cheese.

Cooked the rest of the spotted mackerel and retired early.

The A Frame on Middle Percy

Billabong's Plaque
All the passing yachts contributions to the A Frame

Middle Percy Island Honey.

View From The Tree House
Found Wilson here.
Another spectacular sunset. This one at Digby Island

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