Tuesday 27 June 2017

27th June Bona Bay to Cape Upstart 50nm

It was the most peaceful night sleep we have had on the trip. Bona Bay is protected from the SE winds by the very high ridge on Gloucester Island.
After a quick breakfast we departed at about 8.30 am and sailed to Cape Upstart passing the controversial Abbot Point coal terminal. This has been the focus of the green movement for sometime. It will be the port facility for the Adani Coal Mine. They want to increase the depth of water for bigger ships and increase the port facility.

We arrived at Cape Upstart at around 3.30pm and we could spot what we thought was a fishing vessel. When we got closer and I had a look through the binoculars I saw a man at the front holding a V Sheet which means distress.
I radioed our fellow cruiser TomBoy and let him know. He was able to motor over and establish that they had lost engine and been drifting for 14 hours on route from Bowen to Townsville. The guy claimed his recent ex-wife had sabotaged the trawlers engine.
We offered to call marine rescue but the trawler skipper asked us not to. This has raised our suspicions. We are also wary as to why he did not use his VHF radio to call any one.
We managed to alert a fishing vessel nearby and they managed to go over and tow the trawler into safe water whereby he dropped anchor.

Not sure how they are going to fix the engine without getting a tow anywhere. All sounds a bit suspect to me. I feel I should notify police in case any authority are looking for them.

We anchored in the bay in quiet conditions but at around 8pm the wind howled in and as this is not forecast we are not sure what is happening. We have had gusts to 28 knots.
We will try and sleep ready for an early getaway to sail to Magnetic Island.

Going past Abbot Point Coal Loading Facility
Cape Upstart
The Trawler at anchor after being rescued

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