Wednesday 16 August 2017

11th August Haycock Island to Gayandah Creek Hinchinbrook Channel 8nm

In the morning, I was having my usual morning cuppa and I was looking out the back of the yacht and saw what I thought was a log. But it was moving reasonably fast. It appeared to come out of the creek that I set my traps in. Sure enough looking through the binoculars it was a rather large crocodile. At least 4 meters. Peter from Novae picked up Leon and I for a closer look. We managed to get close enough for a long-distance photo before the croc went under. That was enough for us we got away at high speed.

After breakfast, we collected the crab traps which had nothing in them and we set off for Gayandah Creek.

Anchored in the creek we quickly set the crab traps on a falling tide.

At 2 pm I took the dinghies on a croc tour. Unfortunately, as soon as I got around the corner of the tributary creek the big salty that I know lives there slipped into the water and no one else saw him.

We set off to do some trawling in the creek and Peter and Leon went together while I took Judy.

Judy caught a nice Trevally but unfortunately it broke the line just as we were getting it towards the net.

We went past where Peter and Leon were fishing and they said there was a 3 meter croc down at the entrance. I dropped Judy off and I went down to the entrance of the creek and took a photo.

Sunset drinks were on Novae who baked magnificent sausage rolls for snacks, but as we were leaving the midges came out and attacked us all. Back on Billabong we seemed to be quite snug with the mozzie coils and the fly screens up.

After dinner, we went to bed feeling safe. At midnight, we both woke with little black midges crawling and biting us all over. They were so small they crawled through the fly screens.

It was a very lousy night.

Note to self : Never anchor up this creek again. It is pretty but only for a midday visit.

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