Friday 6 October 2017

4th Oct Middle Percy Island to Pearl Bay 58nm

We got up early and had a cup of tea and launched the dinghy to go back to the A Frame for a more detailed look and a walk on the beach.

I placed another piece of memorabilia on our plaque in the A Frame to acknowledge Maureen and Eric as crew on the voyage south.

At 8am we motored out and had breakfast of bacon and eggs on the way.

Shortly after leaving Middle Percy we saw two big sharks having a feeding frenzy on the surface. They were ferociously devouring fish. Possibly a small school of tuna.

It was a long motor as there was no wind to Pearl Bay. Our original destination was Island Head Creek but with the lack of wind I felt the midges would eat us alive.

We were worried about the SE swell but when we arrived it was flat as bowling green. We had a walk on the beach and collected a few shells.

We saw two turtles in the shallows in the horrid algae and were wondering if they had come close into shore to lay eggs or were they sick with the algae. They both raised their heads to breathe so we are hoping they will go ashore and lay eggs and return to the cleaner waters.

Someone had made a big smiley face with some big green rope that had been washed up on the beach. Very clever and I hope it will be there for many years.

We had dinner on Billabong with sashimi and a beautiful piece of tuna roll cooked medium rare for everyone.

A long day with-out catching a fish as the ocean was filled with the green smelling algae.

The northerly winds and the hotter than normal conditions have brought the algae bloom early and it is very smelly.

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