Friday 7 June 2013

Mooloolaba to Garry’s Anchorage Fraser Island 6th June 74nm.

We had a nice rest in Mooloolaba and some great meals and walks. The CC13 Cruise Rendezvous was held at the Fishermans co-op with fantastic oysters and prawns.
We spent the day buying groceries and petrol for the outboard and lots of walking from the marina into town. We needed the exercise.
Our next leg is to the Great Sandy Straits of Fraser Island which requires us to cross the Wide Bay Bar. It is a notorious stretch of water that has claimed many boats. Conditions have to be right to attempt the bar crossing. The weather has calmed in the last few days and the swell has subsided so we believe the conditions are as good as they are going to be for a 6.30am crossing tomorrow morning. If we don’t go now we will have to wait until well after the next lot of weather passes.
We pushed back from the marina at 9pm and headed out in light winds. The other yachts traveling in company chose not to put their mainsails up. We did and it was a good move as we had a much steadier passage with the constant rolling swell trying to knock us over all the time.
It was an uneventful night with the wind not getting above 8 knots and we approached the outer way point just on dawn.

 Billabong about to cross the Wide bay bar
7 yachts crossed the bar with us and while the swell was 1 to 2 metres there was white water all around us. You enter the bar at an outer way point and then steer to port at way point 2 for 1 nautical mile. They call this the mad mile where the swell hits you side on and the yacht can roll through 90-100 degrees. We still had our mainsail up and it steadied us well as we could motor sail. The other yachts rolled uncontrollably. I felt conditions were better this year than in 2011 however our organizer Rob Starkey believes this crossing was worse than 2011.
None the less all yachts crossed safely and we motored to Garry’s Anchorage where we indulged in bacon and eggs and a good 3 hours of sleep.
I set a crab trap and we went to Bogart for drinks at 5 o’clock with the other 3 yachts from RPAYC. All have male crew with the women electing to become FIFO’s.
We intend to stay here for a few days as the weather forecast is not good for next 2 days.
 Garry's Anchorage very peaceful. This is Boomeroo our traveling companions - Steve and Maureen from Mooloolaba

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