Monday, 1 July 2013

26th June Port Clinton to Pearl Bay to Island Head Creek 24nm

We woke to an avalanche of sand flies. Bogart who was travelling in company with us had already left the anchorage at 6.30am. The whole yacht was covered in sand flies and they were buzzing everywhere. We had to cover up and had a hurried breakfast and weighed anchor and headed for Pearl Bay. The sand flies clung to the yacht. The wind was quite chilly and when we arrived at Pearl Bay, there were 4 yachts anchored. None seem to be rolling in the swell and it looks like we could have stayed there. We dropped anchor to have morning tea and take in the beautiful vista. We stayed and hour while the sun warmed us in the lee of the hills but we wanted to see Island Head Creek so we pushed on and arrived there after 1.30pm. Island Head Creek is a beautiful anchorage with a back drop of high hills but during the afternoon the cloud cover came back and it was chilly again and then around 4pm the sand flies came in droves. We had the citronella candles and the mosquito coils burning and that seemed to keep them at bay. Maureen and Steve from Boomeroo came over for 5 o’clock drinks and a roast lamb dinner. They were covered in sandflies on their yacht and they were not burning coils. I am now convinced they do work. The sky was cloudy and a drab grey and I did not expect a sunset. Then in a moment the sky lit up with a pink/red glow like a huge fire was lit and in minutes it was gone. But that made the drinks enjoyable.

 An amazing sunset in Island Head Creek with Boomeroo in the picture.
We had a great roast lamb dinner and an early night. We get lots of sleep after drinks and dinner! This has to be good for the soul.

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