Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Bundaberg to Lady Musgrave 16th June 56nm

 5am the alarm went off and it was quick out of bed in the cold, very cold morning. Bundaberg is having unseasonal low temps at this time of the year. Where is the global warming!!! Just enough time to attend to ablutions and drop the marina key in the box. We departed at 5.30am and it was a very chilly wind that took us out of the channel and a left turn north to Lady Musgrave. The fishing lines went out early hoping to get a mackerel that often feed early morning. No luck.
Good luck was yet to come. We managed a beautiful yellow fin tuna on the way into Lady Musgrave. It was very good to get this on board as I had lost a lure to a big fish. Bogart reported in they also landed a yellow fin. The fleet will eat well.

 Prize catch - Yellow Fin Tuna
We arrived at Lady Musgrave and entered the narrow channel into the lagoon just before high tide.
It is such a magnificent place to go in light winds. They say anything over 15 knots is unpleasant. Here we are in less than 10 knots and what a great picture it is. We ate mud crab and salad for lunch and had a swim. Water temp 21 degrees - heaven.
Time to fillet the tuna. Ian and Rob and Donna off Bogart brought their fish over for filleting and weighing. They were bragging theirs was bigger than ours. So the weigh off began. Theirs weighed 4.5kgs. Ours 5.8kgs. They were still sitting in the dinghy when I put my fish back in the water still attached to the towing line. We spotted a huge potato cod circling around the back of the yacht.
An extraordinary thing happened next.
The cod came up between the dinghy that Ian, Rob and Donna were sitting in and the back of Billabong and took the whole head of the tuna off. It was a very neat beheading as it left all the flesh that I could still fillet. Simply unbelievable, we were all stunned in amazement.
 Remains of the Tuna after the very large Potato Cod had devoured the head
Both fish were filleted and the scraps were fed to the big potato cod that stayed for awhile. We have no idea where it came from. It either followed us in from the outer reef or it has set up residency inside the lagoon.
It was great entertainment and loads to talk about for years to come.
Drinks on Bogart and what a magnificent sunset.
This place is magical in the right conditions and we were experiencing that right now. Yellow fin tuna cooked rare for dinner and it does not get any better than that. The night was equally good with very light winds and a gentle rocking that gave us a really deep sleep.
17th June
The next day we swam, snorkelled and went fishing on the outside of the reef with Bogart crew in their dinghy and Graham and I in ours for safety.
We caught 3 really nice fish including a Sweetlip Emporer which Graham caught. These fish are very nice eating and rate up near the top of the scale.
More drinks on Whimaway with another great sunset as a back drop.
Surprisingly we ate another meal of tuna and kept the reef fish for tomorrow night’s meal. Not surprising was, we were in bed before 9pm after another exhausting day in paradise.

 Another great sunset

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